Struggling to grow your Twitch channel? Here are 40 strategies to get more viewers on Twitch!
The one question I have been asked more than anything else is, “How do I get more viewers on Twitch?”. It’s a simple question, but the answer isn’t as straightforward as you would think.
Growing a thriving, healthy Twitch channel requires hard work while you’re actively streaming, and even when you’re not. If you’re dedicated to putting in the work, then there’s a good chance you will succeed. This article will give you some ideas on how you can get more viewers to your Twitch channel.
This is a list of 41 things you can do today to get more viewers on Twitch. Below the list I will go into detail for each item and exactly how they can help you grow your stream.
1. Invite friends and family to watch
2. Stream games with less channels and lots of viewers
3. Always be talking
4. Stream at the right time
5. Promote on Twitter
6. Learn TikTok
7. Start a YouTube Channel
8. Use an enticing Stream Title
9. Do a giveaway
10. Be original
11. Enjoy the game you’re playing
12. Try a different type of Stream
13. Have fun
14. Be helpful on Reddit
15. Get hosted by another streamer
16. Have high energy
17. Be Positive
18. Create a Discord Server
19. Play a New Release
20. Post “Going Live” on Discord Channels
21. Always raid other channels
22. Review past streams
23. Create a cohesive brand for your channel
24. Setup unique notifications
25. Utilize a Pre-Stream Checklist
26. Play with Viewers
27. Put TTV in your gaming handle
28. Invite people you play games with to watch
29. Have a consistent schedule
30. Stream at least 3-4 times a week
31. Craft good overlays
32. Use better equipment (mic, webcam)
33. Have good Internet
34. Be active in forms, facebook groups of the games you’re playing
35. Support other streamers
36. Ask your viewers to invite others
37. Don’t stream saturated games
38. Play in tournaments
39. Utilize a chatbot
40. Have fun channel rewards
41. Join a stream team
One of the easiest ways to have viewers in your first streams is by inviting people that you know in real life to watch the channel. Unless they’re gamers (or love watching Twitch) there’s a good chance that they won’t be able to stick around forever. But this is a nice way to increase your viewership on the first few streams so that you have someone in your channel to talk with.
I know some streamers have even invited their parents to stop in. It reminds me of days when mom & dad would watch middle school soccer games. Isn't that wholesome?
Are there people in your life who would be willing to support you in the early streaming days to help you get off the ground? It could be family, coworkers, classmates, friends.
The goal is to have a few people support the stream in the early stages so that if new viewers stop by they’re not the only one hanging out. The first few viewers in your channel are the hardest to get to show up.
Pro-Tip: Explain what streaming is & why it’s important to you to the people in your life. Share how their support will be helpful and give them a time frame of how long you need their support. This gives them a way to help you, but not feel like they’re abandoning you if watching streams isn’t their thing. You'll be surprised how many people show up, because they want to see you succeed.
The odds are stacked against you if you plan on streaming games with hundreds of other streamers. It’s also unlikely that you will attract new viewers if you’re playing a game that is virtually unheard of in a category with few to no viewers.
I’m of the belief that you should stream games that you want to play, but it is true that there are some games that are better to stream if growing one of your priorities. You want to be looking for game categories that have fewer live channels and a large number of viewers. This reduces the “competition” and allows you to have more visibility on the Twitch platform. It's hard to be discovered by viewers on Twitch, but if someone has to scroll past 100s of other channels to get to yours...well that's just not going to happen.
How can you find games that meet this criteria? You can utilize a tool like TwitchStrike.com to find games that meet these requirements. In addition, Twitch Strike can tell you exactly when the best time to stream a specific game is too. It's a helpful tool to choose the right game to play at the right time. Again - make sure it's a game you actually want to stream and play!
By streaming games with fewer channels, there’s a better chance that you’ll be closer to the top of the page for that game. If a viewer searches through that game they’ll be able to spot your channel sooner and maybe, just maybe, click over to your stream.
I have reviewed countless streams from people who want to know why they’re struggling to gain and retain viewers. 95% of the time one of the reasons is that their stream is QUIET. You can practically hear the crickets chirping.
Most of the time while you’re streaming you should be talking to fill the void. Even if there’s no one in your channel you should be talking. You can share about your week, comment about the gameplay, or answer random questions.
One of the things that will make you stand out from other streamers is your personality, and if you’re not talking, viewers won’t be able to see it. Most new viewers arrive in a channel, watch for a few moments, and decide whether they’re going to stay or not. If you’re not saying anything, but focused on your gameplay then there’s a good chance that they’re going to not come back.
Some of us have the gift of gab and can talk, talk, and talk some more. But I know there's many of you that struggle to know what to talk about. If your viewers aren't chatting you're unsure of what to say. This is why I built a random question generator for streamers. It's FREE and automatically generates questions for you to answer while you're streaming. It is loaded with fun, interesting questions to help you direct the conversation. Give it a try!
Pro-Tip: Write down conversation topics prior to the stream so that you have something to talk about.
Not everyone has the luxury to choose when they can stream, but there are times throughout the week that are better to stream than others. During some parts of the week a specific game can be saturated with other streamers, and if you’re a smaller streamer it’s unlikely that you’ll be noticed.
There are also some days that are bad to stream. One of the worst days to stream if you're looking for new viewers is a holiday. For example, while there are many people who go live on Christmas day, it is known that many viewers are busy with holiday plans and won't be showing up to watch. Keep this in mind.
As mentioned earlier, you can use TwitchStrike to determine when the best times to stream a specific game are.
I’m a huge fan of Twitter, and believe it’s highly underrated by streamers. Most streamers who use it will post a “Going Live” post and leave. They use it like a random bulletin board on the internet, but this is the wrong way to use this powerful tool.
Use Twitter to showcase who you are as a streamer. Tweet your streaming opinions, the things you’re enjoying, and engage with other streamers. Network on Twitter with other streamers and see what they’re into. By doing this you’ll grow your Twitter followers & yes, you should post those “Going Live” posts, but they’ll be more impactful if they’re not only the tweets you do.
Pro-Tip: Follow the five streamers that you admire and study how they use Twitter. What are they tweeting about? How do they use the platform? You can learn a lot from studying other streamer twitter accounts. Here's the HeyYouVideoGame twitter to see an account that is CRUSHING it on Twitter.
TikTok isn’t brand new, but streamers have recently been winning big on it. I have watched multiple streamers start their channel with 30+ viewers, because they focused on a TikTok beforehand. It requires work and an understanding of the type of content TikTok users enjoy, but the pay off can be huge.
From my experience - crafting the right kind of content for TikTok can be challenging. You can post videos you create yourself through the TikTok application or utilize clips from your stream. If you're going to use clips from your stream make sure to edit them to the right proportion size for TikTok. If you're looking for a free video editing software to hone in your TikTok video making skills, check out DaVinci Resolve. I use it for all my videos and it's great!
You'll also want to make sure you have a link to your streaming channel on TikTok so that followers can jump into your stream if they like the content you're making.
A YouTube channel will require the most work out of everything on this list, but it has the potential for the biggest reward. The content you create should relate to your stream in one way or another.
My recommendation would be to create guides for the video game that you enjoy the most. Generally speaking the gaming niche on YouTube is very saturated, and only posting clips or stream VODs won’t gain much traction. But guides are still useful and if people enjoy your personality there’s a chance they’ll eventually make your way over to your Twitch stream.
Make sure that you’ve got a link to your Twitch channel on YouTube and that you mention that you stream occasionally in your YouTube content. While this strategy to gain viewers on Twitch is definitely the one that requires the MOST work, if done right it can help skyrocket your stream to the next level. Just understand what you're getting into!
Don’t fall into the fallacy that your stream title is meaningless. While you won’t have 100’s of viewers flocking to your channel based on your stream title alone, it does matter. I have had people visit, follow, and even raid my channel, because they liked our stream title.
Your title doesn't need to be poetic genius, but spend time thinking up a stream title that is funny or interesting. Questions can make great stream titles as well as puns related to the game. If you're funny - a stream title that makes people laugh is more likely to get someone to click through.
Giveaways are a quick way to gain viewers to your Twitch channel if done correctly. You can gift a video game, subs to a Twitch channel, or even gift cards. There’s countless things you can giveaway, but you’ll want to promote the giveaway in advance. Your community shouldn’t be surprised by the giveaway. You should talk about it in your channel and promote it on social media far in advance to generate hype. You want people excited to show up to your stream, because they know there's a chance that they might win something.
Mark my words you’ll have many more viewers on the giveaway stream. Take advantage of this and really do your best work to have an engaging, exciting stream. You want everyone who’s present to really see you at your best.
Because the harsh reality is that MOST of the people who attend giveaways in a Twitch channel never come back. Most viewers are there to win something and leave once it’s over. But if you’ve done a good job putting your best self forward you’ll see some of the viewers at your next stream.
One example of a giveaway that I thought was unique was from a streamer who gives away a token at the end of each stream. The token is branded to his channel. It's not an item that is super expensive, but coveted by those in the stream. He has viewers showing up to his streams not only to enjoy his content, but also hoping to win!
Pro-Tip: Do the giveaway near the end of the stream. You want people to stick around and see you do your thing before you choose a winner.
This feels like a cliché, but it’s one of the most important concepts to understand and follow through with. There are tens of thousands of other streamers in the world that are vying for the attention of viewers. The truth is most of these streamers are doing the same thing. They’re playing the same game, their content is the same as the next. Don't believe me? Scroll through the Warzone category on Twitch and you'll see 100s of streamers who are basically a carbon copy of the stream next to them.
So how do you stand out from the crowd?
Ask yourself “What is 1 thing that makes my stream unique?” And if you can’t come up with an answer, it’s time to go to the drawing board. Come up with an idea that will make you completely original as a streamer.
For example, on our channel we’re co-streamers that sell a fictional product called “Snoil Oil.” It’s a funny bit that we do from time to time. I can promise you that no other streamer in the world is selling "Snoil Oil." It's something that makes us stand out.
What’s your Snoil oil?
Maybe you can do cosplay as part of your stream? Or maybe your angle is that you always end your streams by singing a ballad? Or maybe you're unique in the fact that you only stream Minesweeper! I don't know what makes your channel unique, but there should be something that makes you stand out from the status quo.
When deciding on what game to stream you should pick one that you’ll like and enjoy. While you may have faster channel growth by playing only ONE game or a less saturated game category - if you’re not having fun you’ll burn out quickly.
I have watched many streamers play one game for months on end so that they become known as the “X” streamer, but this often leads to burnout. Your viewers can tell when you’re faking enjoyment and not truly having fun with a game. If you want your channel to retain viewers and still be running years from now, you should make content and play games that make you happy.
Viewers want to watch someone streaming who is having an absolute blast! If a viewer comes in and clearly can tell that you're having the time of your life, they are more likely to stick around. There are some streamers who are known for their rage, but it's much harder to grow a stream when you are always angry, rage-filled, and complaining.
Twitch is evolving to be more than just a platform for video game streamers. Viewers are looking for more than video game streams. While streaming video games can still be your primary content, you should try out a different type of stream. Whether it’s a cooking stream or just chatting - branch out and try something new. You’ll be surprised how the change breathes fresh life into your channel and brings in new followers too.
It's my opinion that over the next few years there will be less "video game only" streams and more streams of other activities. This is the trend that Twitch is going, and if you want to have more viewers you'll need to get on the train now. Do you have a skill or other hobby that viewers would like to see you do? Perhaps it's time to try it out on stream!
Pro-Tip: You don't have to be an expert in what you're streaming. I streamed myself making a Tuna sandwich to my community. The key is to be entertaining and engaging. Did anyone actually need to know how to make a Tuna sandwich? Absolutely not! I'm not Martha Stewart. They came to be entertained. It doesn't have to be cooking, but do something that you can talk, entertain, and hang out with your community.
At the end of the day are you having fun streaming? For most of us streaming is a hobby and hobbies are not meant to be stressful or boring. When you’re having fun viewers can tell and the energy can be felt. If you find yourself not looking forward to streaming - perhaps it is time to take a break to refresh. You can always come back to streaming when you’re feeling more up to it.
There's many streamers who stopped having fun with streaming. Some of them stopped and never came back, but many took a break and came back to streaming with a new found vigor and energy. No one wants to watch someone stream who clearly wishes they were doing something else.
Pro-Tip: Streaming shouldn't be your entire life. Make sure you're spending time outside, getting exercise, socializing, and doing other activities. You'll be a better streamer if you have a life outside of streaming.
One of the best ways to build bridges with other streamers is by helping them out. If you’ve ever been on Reddit you know there’s hundreds of people spamming their Twitch channels all over the place. But if you’re one of the few people to provide actual value and help others there’s a chance that they may want to come check out the stream too.
Head over to /r Twitch or /r Twitch_Startup and see if there’s anyone who is just getting started out with streaming that you can offer insight too. There is normally many posts of streamers who have questions, looking for feedback, or just advice from others who have gone before them. Be as helpful and useful as you can. The goal isn't to manipulate people to come to your channel, but you'll be surprised how many stop by because they know you want to help!
When other channels host your channel you will be shown on their channel while they’re offline. This way anyone who comes to their channel will see your content as long as they’re not streaming. Usually streamers who enjoy your content or are friends with you are most likely to place you on their host list.
This isn’t for everyone, because not everyone has unlimited energy. But usually streamers with higher energy have a better time making first impressions with new viewers. This is because they’re talking, outgoing, and constantly engaging with chat.
With this said, not everyone can force themselves to be a high energy streamer. If this isn’t you don’t try to force it.
Most viewers are consuming Twitch content after a long day. They’ve been at work or school and are looking for content to relax to. Life is full of hardships and trouble, and as a viewer they don’t want to come to a twitch channel for more of the same.
Streamers who are constantly raging, pessimistic, bitchy, and complain are less likely to have viewers who stick around. No one wants to hear you complain all the time. This isn’t to say that you need to become Mr./Mrs. Sunshine, but temper your complaints and focus on being positive.
Having your own discord server is a great way to foster your streaming community. The beautiful thing about discord is that you can interact with your followers not only while you’re streaming, but also when you’re not streaming.
It’s simple to set up a basic discord server, and is well worth the time. One of the factors to a healthy stream channel is one that focuses on community. A discord channel gives your community a place to reside even when you’re not live.
Your discord channel doesn't need to have all the bells and whistles. It just needs to be a place where your stream community can hang out. It's a great way for you announce special events, share when you're going live, and just get to know the people who enjoy your content.
Some viewers want to purely watch a streamer do their thing, but some viewers are looking for a community to be a part of. By having a discord you're not only allowing viewers to build a relationship with you, but also with each other.
One of our early successes was streaming Cyberpunk2077 when it first was released. People were hyped up for the game and excited to watch it. We spent significant time before the game's release to promote the stream and created graphics and video for this specific stream. We went ALL out doing what we could to promote the fact that we were going to be streaming all day on release.
While the category was saturated with other streamers on day of release, we had a much higher average viewership. We were raided, got new followers, and overall had an absolute blast. Our entire community showed up to see the game and watch us do our thing.
You can do the same thing! Leverage the hype of of a new release so that you can have new viewers follow your channel who are curious about the game.
Make sure to promote through your Discord, social media, and other avenues so that everyone knows exactly about this stream.
Find a 2-3 streamer discords that you enjoy and plug into them. Chat, participate, and become an active member of the community. Most of these types of discord channels have a promotional channel that you can post a “going live” post to. By posting to these channels you'll have a few viewers trickle in if they are familiar with you on the Discord.
The key here isn't to spam your link on a million different discords, but to become an active member of the community.
If you only join Discord channels to post your “going live” link there’s a low chance that anyone is going to click it. Why should they head over to your channel if they’ve never heard of you before?
Spend time getting to know the community, build relationships with others. When you’ve established yourself as a member of the community who participates and brings value than another discord member is more likely to join your channel when you post that “going live” post.
I don’t care that you only have 2 viewers in your channel. It doesn’t matter. ALWAYS RAID. I repeat...ALWAYS RAID.
By raiding other channels at the end of your stream, you’re showing that you care about the other streamer enough to share your community with yours. It shows that you trust them and enjoy their content.
Many streamers don’t raid, because they feel their viewer numbers are too small, but this is a lie. I have never met a streamer who wasn’t happy to receive a raid of any size. Make sure you /raid at the end of every stream.
And while it’s not a given - you’ll be surprised when some of the channels that you have raided, raid you back in support. Not only have I had people raid me back which has brought in new viewers, but sometimes I will have people follow my channel as soon as they see I have raided someone.
Over time your streams need to improve. Even if you feel like you’ve got the best content in the world you should always be looking at how you can level up your content. One of the best practices is to review your past VODs.
Take a critical look at your content through the eyes and ears of a viewer. Do your audio levels sound alright? Are there too many overlays on your channel? Are there large periods of time when you’re not talking?
Take notes while reviewing the footage of things you can change to improve. Athletes review past footage to gain insight into how they’re doing and how they can improve. Why can’t streamers do the same?
As your stream content gets better and better you'll notice that you attract new viewers. People want to watch top notch streams.
One of the ways you can WOW individuals is by creating a unified cohesive looking brand. From your streaming channel to your social media platforms you should use the same colors, profile picture, and style.
The look of your channel and social media platforms will show that you’ve taken time to intentionally think about your brand, and put something together that fits you. You’re taking streaming seriously.
Pro-Tip: If you’d like to make your own branded graphics there’s a free editing platform called Canva that can help. Most of the graphics for Streamer Growth School were built here. It's simple and easy to use.
If graphic designing isn’t your strong suit, I would suggest OWN3D which has a huge selection of graphicsthat you can use to build your streaming channel.
Have you ever changed the notifications that go out when you go live on Twitch? This is the notification that all of your followers receive when you go live (unless they have it turned off).
By crafting unique, funny, thought-provoking, or absurd notifications you can increase the number of your followers who click through and arrive on your channel.
One of the worst feelings is going live and forgetting something important. Perhaps it’s forgetting to unmute the microphone or having to download the game you were going to play. These issues can cause many viewers that show up to leave, because it’s clear that you will be spending the next 5-15 minutes working on getting ready for the stream.
When you go live on Twitch you should imagine that you’re on a stage for an audience. You don’t want to forget anything, and should be ready to engage and entertain.
One of the ways that I ensure that I am ready for every single stream is by following a pre-stream checklist. The list has everything that I need to get done before I go live. It includes: check Audio/Visual, get water, setup green screen, etc.
I can’t recommend a pre-stream checklist enough.
If you want I can email you mine. Sign up with your email address and I’ll send you the one that I use.
Have you ever fired up the stream and had a new viewer showing up asking if they can play with you? Usually we tell people no, but what if you had a stream that purposely asked viewers to play with you?
There are streams that have grown primarily by playing games with viewers. There’s so many video games out there that work well with large groups, and this is a great strategy to get more followers and fans of your content.
Some of the best games to play with your viewers right now are: Among Us, Rust, DayZ, Marbles, Apex Legends, Warzone, and 7 Days to Die. Make sure that you you have “Playing with Viewers” in your stream’s title to help bring in new viewers and people to play with.
Have you been gaming for a long time? You likely have people that you have been gaming with. Why not invite them to watch your stream? Chances are they’d be into the content you are making, because you’re likely playing a game that they would enjoy.
What's the worst thing that can happen by asking?
I had a poll on Twitch whether it was cringe to put TTV to your gaming handle. Typically when you see a handle with TTV you know that person is streaming on Twitch. In the end - it seemed like some people viewed it as cringe and others did not.
But everyone who said they put TTV in their handle said they had new viewers join their stream. Seems to be a personal preference.
One of my favorite pieces of advice for people to get more viewers to their channel is to be consistent in quality and consistent with their schedule. People are creatures of habit. They get into a routine and keep to it. If you stream at random hours you will definitely have less people show up than if you stuck to a consistent schedule.
One of my favorite streamers starts his stream every morning at 9am. I know for a fact that he’ll be live at that time. He has been able to build a community of viewers, because he creates great content and they know exactly when he will be live.
You don’t have to stream everyday, but having a consistent schedule will help you grow your channel in the long run.
Overlays are a feature of a streaming channel that aren’t completely necessary, but a nice way to help brand your channel and look nice. They say that many people join a channel and won’t be around for more than a minute. You’ve got 60 seconds to hook someone and keep them sticking around for your content.
One of the ways to keep them interested is by utilizing cool overlays. There’s tons of different overlays that you could use, and will help tie your brand together. They're just one of the many tiny details that will help your channel stand out from the rest.
You could create your own or if you’re looking to purchase you could get them at Own3d.com
There is no golden rule of how many times you should stream each week to see growth. If you hardly stream there’s going to be less of a chance for people to watch your content and see you when you’re live. If you decide to stream every single day there’s an increased chance that you’ll burnout or run out of creative ideas.
From my experience, streaming 3-4 times a week is a perfect amount to keep your community engaged with your content, be visible to potential new viewers, and also not get tired of streaming.
I would recommend streams to be at least 2 hours as that will allow more people to come in and enjoy the show.
You don’t need to purchase the best equipment in the world to grow a stream. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the idea that you need the best of the best webcam, microphone, etc.. The truth is you need equipment that will give you clear audio and clear visuals.
If you’re using a cheap microphone that’s producing scratchy, muffled audio then I would recommend getting a new one. I’ve been using a Blue Yeti (Amazon Link) which is a basic USB microphone and it’s been more than enough to make me sound good. Poor audio will have viewers leaving quickly as they won’t be able to understand you.
Similarly, a simple webcam with good lighting is perfect for growing a stream. Don’t believe the lie that you need a DSLR to grow on Twitch. With a simple light and basic webcam (I use the Logitech C920 - you see it here on Amazon) you can grow.
Take a look at your past stream content. Does your audio sound good? Can you clearly hear yourself? If not, it’s time to tinker with the settings or upgrade. Similarly with your webcam.
It doesn’t matter if you’re the funniest, most engaging streamer in the entire world if your internet sucks. No one is going to stick around for a stream that is constantly buffering, lagging, or has a huge delay on it.
It’s frustrating as a viewer to type out a question to a streamer and have to wait minutes for a response, because their internet is garbage.
One of the best ways to bring in new viewers to your streaming channel is by interacting with fans of the game that you’re playing. Find forums, subreddits, discords, and Facebook groups that are dedicated to the game that you stream, and start interacting.
As people on these platforms get to know you there’ll be avenues to share that you stream, and people will make their way over. You already know that they enjoy the game you’re streaming, so it’s only a small step for them to join your channel.
The goal on these platforms isn’t to spam the fact that you’re a streamer, but instead be active on the platform. Provide funny memes, informational posts, respond, reply, and comment to threads. You want to establish yourself on the platform, and eventually people will get to know you, find out your a streamer, and check you out.
When you’re first starting out streaming this is the BEST way to get more viewers to your channel. Go into other streams of games that you enjoy and start chatting. Don’t give a !lurk and dip out, but truly interact with the streamer and their viewers. This isn’t a one time deal, but consistently show up and become friends with the streamer and their community.
Don’t go sharing that you're a streamer and when you’re streaming. The goal is to support the streamer and that’s it. Talk with them, ask great questions, send raids their way when you finish streaming. You want them to succeed.
And you know what...most of the time if you make friends and support other streamers they’ll make their way over to your channel too. Streamers aren’t the competition. We’re all trying to grow our channel, and most streamers appreciate the support enough that they’ll give your content a look too.
But what if they never come to my channel? They are not obligated to support you, and honestly this isn’t a sure-fire way for viewers. But here’s been my experience...we made friends with about 20 streamers over the course of the past 7 months. I go into their channels and hang out with them. I’d call them my streamer friends, and almost all of them make their way into my streams. Are they present at every stream? No, but they’re there quite a bit.
Support other streamers. Make friends.
Word of mouth will always be one of the most effective means of marketing. Simply ask your viewers to tell people they know to check out your channel. Having your fans vouch for your channel will always have a higher chance of bringing in new viewers than most of the things you could do.
It can be as simple as saying, "Hey all! I have been loving these streams and hanging out with you all. If you've been enjoying yourself it would help me out if you shared the word about this channel! If you know anyone who would like this type of community and content - make sure to tell them to swing on by."
You can grow on a streaming channel playing any game. There’s a group of people who will watch any game that’s out there. But I will say that it will be increasingly difficult to grow a Twitch channel with a game that has hundreds of other channels on it.
For example, if you’re thinking of streaming Warzone you are going to need to get extra creative to stand out. There’s literally at any given time hundreds of streamers playing that game vying for the attention of viewers. Unless you’re doing something significantly different than other streamers it will be very hard for new viewers to find your channel.
Find games that don’t have one million streamers playing and stream those.
Tournaments are a great way to get your name out there, and if you’re decent at the game you’re likely to bring in viewers who want to see more. Not every game has tournaments, but most first person shooter video games have tournaments for not only professionals but also casual players.
If the main thing about your stream is that you're an expert shot in a FPS you should DEFINITELY be playing in tournaments. This will help people see your skill level and even if you can't stream the tournament - you will get your name out there.
A chatbot can do a few different tasks to keep your channel polished and working well. One of the things a chatbot can do is answer questions from viewers. Someone asks what your discord channel is? You can have a command so that chatbot will give a link to your discord, or social media, or whatever you want.
You can also have chatbot automatically put things in chat after timed intervals. Maybe it’s an announcement reminding everyone of a special upcoming stream or maybe it’s just a funny joke. Get creative with it.
While you don’t want to boost your numbers with a bot army, your chatbot does count as a single viewer. It’s not much, but it’s something.
There’s hundreds of different ways you can use channel rewards and you’ll want to leverage them to fit your channel. Refuse to use the basic channel rewards that every streamer uses. Have the types of rewards that new viewers will want to stick around and earn points so they can redeem them.
A few channel point ideas: perform a rap song, eat a spicy chip, gift out subs to your (or other) channels, shave your beard, do a 12 hour stream.
You could also make channel points that coincide with the type of stream you're doing. For example, if you're playing a video game where you're using a weapon - you can have a channel point redemption be "drop weapon" or "fire shots into the air."
Get creative with your channel rewards and when new viewers come in make sure you poin them out!
If done properly stream teams are communities of streamers that support one another by viewing each other streams, raiding one another, and playing games togethers. While there are some stream teams that secretly only aim to help the leaders, I have heard of stream teams that effectively support everyone on the team.
If you’re looking to hear about how a healthy stream team can benefit and grow your channel you should listen to episode 3 of the “Streaming Growth School” podcast with ItsMeBri. She joined a stream team that’s focused on Fallout76 and it has helped her build her community tremendously!
Growing a stream is hard work and not easy. Not all of these options are for everyone, but hopefully there’s a handful that you can test out. Twitch makes it very difficult for new viewers to discover your channel, but if you’re marketing your channel through other means you can overcome and see new viewers make their way to your channel.
If you're really hoping to get more twitch viewers on your channel than I would recommend picking 3-5 of the options above and giving them a shot! Maybe they're something that will push you outside your comfort zone and that's ok! Part of streaming is growing not only your channel, but also developing as a streamer.
I hope some of these strategies to gain viewers on Twitch work for you, and that your channel sees success! Happy streaming!
If you’re looking for more content on how to grow your Twitch channel go over to my YouTube and subscribe. I put out weekly videos with ideas, tips, and tricks on how to get more viewers and build a healthy streaming community. There's also a weekly podcast where I interview streamers about their streaming journey! It's called Streamer Growth School, and is loaded with great tips from streamers just like you. Give it a listen!